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الاثنين، 17 أكتوبر 2011

the History Of Mikrotik

Mikrotik is a small company from Latvia, was founded by John Trully and Arnis Riekstins. John Trully an American who immigrated to Latvia and met with Arnis in 1995. In 1996 John and Arnis began to routing the world (Mikrotik vision is to Routing the world). Starting with Linux and MS DOS systems combined with Wireless LAN technology (W-LAN) Aeronet speed 2Mbps in Moldova, then they serve five customers in Latvia, because their ambition is to make a reliable router software and spread around the world.

Their basic principle is not to make the Wireless ISP (WISP), but makes the program a router that is reliable and can run all over the world. Latvia is only an "experimental area" John and Arnis, because now they've helped other countries including Sri Lanka which serves about four hundred customers.

The first time they use Linux Kernel 2.2 that was developed jointly with 5 - 15 people R & D staff , And now their have been a part of the routing in developing countries.

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