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الاثنين، 17 أكتوبر 2011

How to install Mikrotik Router OS

In this article i will show you how to install MikroTik Router OS on a PCs. Just relax..because this step is very simple and easy to practice at your home. I will Guide you how to install the Router OS step by step. Prepare your pc with minimum requirement: Intel Pentium 3 or pentium 4 with minimal 512 MB storage ( HDD ) and 64 MB Physical Memory. You should buy minimal 1 NIC or Network address Card because the NIC will be used to connetcing the client trhough the internet( On Board and New NIC ). For the first steps, Download the Router OS from official Mikrotik website at this link www.mikrotik.com/download.html and Select system type with PC / x86, Select software type with all version. Download the iso's file. When i wrote this article, The last version of Mikrotik router OS is OS 5.7. You can download the router OS v5.7 from this link directly http://download.mikrotik.com/mikrotik-5.7.iso

Now.. after you have finished to downloads the image file , burn the images file to the CD's and make sure the file is not currupted. You can burn's the image files using free software burner tools like free iso burner, and download the software from http://www.freeisoburner.com/ , or you can use the another softwares.

After you finished to burn the cd , turn on your pc and make sure you have been enable first boot with CD from the BIOS setup. Now the boot proces will start, The computer's will boot from the cd . After that you will see a menu to choose what packages to instal on your pc. You will see the welcome screen bellow :

Welcome to MikroTik Router Software installation Move around menu using 'p' and 'n' or arrow keys, select with 'spacebar'. Select all with 'a', minimum with 'm'. Press 'i' to install locally or 'r' to install remote router or 'q' to cancel and reboot.

Press "a" key for select all package and then press "i" to install the router OS.
After that, Press [Y] to continue the installation. In this porcess, Mikrotik loader will erase all of data on your hardrive. Make sure you have been backup the data to another hardrive.

Next step :

Do you want to keep old configuration? [y/n]:
You should choose whether you want to keep old configuration (press [Y]) or to erase the configuration permanently (press [N]) and continue without saving it.

I sugest you to press the [N] button to make fresh install Router OS. After you pressed the N Button, Mikrotik will Creating the partition and Formatting the disk.

The Mikrotik system will install selected packages. After that you will be prompted to press 'Enter'. And remove the CD from your CD-Drive:

Software installed. Press ENTER to reboot

After rebooting type "admin" as login and keep password blank. Because the default password Mikrotik is a Blank
After that , router OS is already installed on your PC and ready to configure. In the next artcle i will show you how to setup Mikrotik as a Internet gateway.

I hope this article can help you to install the Mikrotik Router OS

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